School Schedule
7:15 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. - Students may be dropped off at the gym from 7:15-7:30am. After 7:30am, all students should be dropped off in the car loop.
7:55 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. - Students will report to their assigned homerooms. Staff will be located around the campus. All students will report directly to their grade level hall. The tardy bell rings at 8:10am.
8:10 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. - School Day
3:20 p.m. - Dismissal process begins. Students will be called for buses at this time. At 3:25, those dismissing by car will report to the upper parking lot. Parents picking up students by car should park by grade level in the upper lot at the corner of Marchbanks and Cornelius. 6th grade parents will use the first 3 lanes closest to the building. 7th grade parents will pull through the 2nd set of triple lanes. 8th grade parent will pull through the 3rd set of triple lanes, the lanes closest to Cornelia. NO PARKING ON EITHER MARCHBANKS OR CORNELIA! You will be subject to traffic violations from the city and our school resource officer.
Each grade level has 3 lanes designated for pick up! In the 6th grade car line, you may pull in and park if you arrive early in either of the two outer lanes. The center lane is reserved to use once your child has gotten safely in the vehicle. You may use this as an exit lane! For 7th grade, all three lanes are used for loading in order to get cars off of Marchbanks.
Early Dismissal-If parents need to pick up a child before the end of the school day, they should send a note in the morning stating the time requested for dismissal. Students will not be called to the office until the parent arrives and has been cleared through our security measures. PLEASE DO NOT call the school to change transportation at the end day. For your student’s safety, we must have (in writing) the notification. You can FAX the school at 260-5846 or E-mail one of us in the front office.
Email Principal
Email Data Clerk
Email Bookkeeper
**If you are picking up by car, please remember that we only have staff on duty until 4:00 each afternoon. If you are running late, please call the school and let us know so your child will not be worried about you! After 4:00, it is considered a late pick up and will be counted as such in our system.